Saturday, 18 February 2012

MLB: the show goes crossplay.

During a recent demo in Washington, MLB: the show developer Ramone Russell has shown off new crossplay features shared between the psvita & Ps3 versions of his game.
It appears you will be able to play in season mode on PS3 and continue that mode on the your travels with Vita.

“You dump 20, 30, 40 hours into a mode, and it’s time to go on a business trip,” Russell said. “You save that file up into a Cloud. Pick up your PlayStation Vita. Take it on the road. Download it from the Cloud and you keep going. And it works vice versa.”

Russell went on to show other interesting interactions with crossplay; including one that allows the gamer to play the game on PS3 using the Vita to track the movement of the ball in real time.
The PS3 game is looking set to feature 70 enhancements with the Vita version sharing 65 of them.

Exciting stuff - other developers take note.

Original story: CNN

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